
Financial Planning and Goal Setting – The Basics

Many people have the desire to get their finances in order but they don’t get far with it. Perhaps, it is because they do not have a systematic process to follow. If you are one of those, I have here the basics of financial planning and goal setting, for you. Adequate Risk Cover: The first […]

Passive Income – A Powerful Tool to Finance Your Retirement

There is a lot of hype around building a retirement income or passive income these days and there are a plethora of schemes shoved down the throat of gullible senior citizens. This secret can also be used by younger people who want to generate a second passive income in addition to their regular income.

Invest Money for My Child’s Future – How?

Majority of parents are worried about investing right for their children’s bright future. A simple search on Google reveals that the media is almost totally covered by insurance companies offering traditional and unit linked plans in the name of child benefit plans.

Investing in an Insurance Plan – 3 Major Pitfalls

Financial planners have been crying themselves hoarse about the wisdom of buying a pure term insurance plan and not investing in an insurance plan. The dual advantage of cheap risk cover and earning much more on your investments can’t be ignored at all.

Why is Long Term SIP a No-Brainer?

there is a secret to make long term SIP successful and that is, you avoid timing the market. Put simply, it means that you are not looking for an opportune time to invest, rather you are deciding to stay invested across multiple market cycles.

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